E. (Edmund) Wheeler is
another of the small group of commercial mounters that became famous
for their
high quality preparations and prodigious output. He was offering his
own professionally made mounts by no later than the mid
1860s, and continued until retirement and the selling of his business to W.
Watson & Sons in 1884 (he died in 1885). It is known that
Wheeler's nephew F. Enock, who later became well known for his
insect preparations, mounted for his uncle through much of the
1870s. Thus, it is probable that some of the very fine whole insect
mounts with E. Wheeler labels are actually the work of Enock. Another well
respected professional mounter of the time, E. (Ernest) Hinton, also
mounted for Wheeler for a number of years, and is said to have
produced much of his output by the late 1870s. |